

The documents contained in this section include statements, resolutions and papers developed to put forth the emerging positions taken by the IAOPA. 

Policy Manual

This document is the repository of all standing general and specific policies adopted by IAOPA. Most of these statements were developed as a consequence of discussions of held at the biennial IAOPA World Assemblies and issued as resolutions. Still others are generated by the Secretariat in response to worldwide and regional issues and delivered in the form of position papers at international forums. The manual is reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.

General Statements

These are broad, overview statements regarding general aviation and aerial work. They are intended to be used as background material for public media and the general population.

ICAO Position Statements 

Need to know more information about ICAO position statements, click here.

IAOPA World Assembly Reports and Resolutions

Every two years representatives of IAOPA affiliates gather to determine the future of general aviation and aerial work through a series of presentations and discussions, resulting in a number of resolutions regarding issues critical to our interests. Reports of recent world assemblies and their attendant resolutions are placed in this section.